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How I Use Gratitude In My Marriage

Marriage rocks!

Relationships require intentional work and effort. It takes dedication, high priority, and a lot of time. Having and showing 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐄 in a relationship also takes intentional effort.

It’s one of the easiest ways to keep the focus on your partner and not just yourself.

I feel there is so much focus on self, which is obviously very important, but I believe too, that 'focus' on the other person is even more important.

If we only worry about our own well-being, happiness and satisfaction, we can lose our gratitude for our partner and the things they do for us, and the focus can turn to the negative things we can’t tolerate.

Eventually, these negatives overpower the positives; and the negatives are all that we will see - which will easily create a downward spiral.

Just thinking about how grateful you are isn’t enough effort. So setting the intention to be a little more proactive makes all the difference.

My suggestion is, make a goal each night, or even once a week to express gratitude to your partner vocally. One of the most building experiences is to have a nightly expression of gratitude to each other. It can be something big or something small.

Remember, even the smallest expression of gratitude can change the landscape of a relationship if it becomes a habit.



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