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Struggling To Find The Motivation To Begin Working Out

Heres a thought:

"Start with something you actually like, rather than a standard to hold yourself to."

Find a simple workout you enjoy!

It also helps to remember all the reasons you love being in shape. Some like feeling strong, some like the energy, the mental health benefits, the weight loss and so forth.

Figure out what you like the most and what you're missing now, and channel the desire for those feelings to get up and actually do it.

We can do hard things by the way!

Some things I have done that gets me moving is to write those reasons on a sticky note for my bathroom mirror, in my notes app, or log them as an alarm on my phone. This reminds me first thing in the morning of my 'why'. Things like putting your sneakers and workout clothes near your bed, or even sleeping in them if you have to works well! Do whatever speaks to you most.

You will want to slowly incorporate these small changes, and not deviate too much from your current routine. The key is to make these new habits sustainable so whether you feel inspired or not, they become a part of your normal routine. Getting back into a routine should feel more like a lifestyle and less like a chore.


3 commenti

30 gen 2023

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Mi piace

23 gen 2023

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17 dic 2022

In my extra time I like to go stone climbing and I hit the rec center two times per week. I Couldn't want anything more than to dating profile meet new individuals and make companions or perhaps more.

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